I'll be the one
I'll be your spark
I'll be your light led
through the darkness
When Joseph Archer and his wife, Shirlene, found out they were pregnant with a son, they certainly held their own dreams and expectations for him. Perhaps he would be athletically inclined, quarterback for the football team and captain of the basketball team. If that didn't come through, maybe book smarts were where his strengths lied, earning perfect scores on exams and passing classes with ease. Or maybe he would harbor that same charisma that caught Shirlene's eye in her husband and see himself a prolific business figure, jettisoning about the country for this deal or that, bringing home certainly enough to support a family, household and then some. There was nothing to suggest none of it would come true when October 2nd of 1987 rolled around and Shirlene gave birth to Jacob Seong Archer, their only son and only child thanks to complications to come, but as the years passed, none of those hopes came particularly true. He wasn't particularly athletic and couldn't care less about joining any high school teams; he wasn't particularly book smart and didn't always bring home the best grades because, quite frankly, he didn't want to try; and while he was charismatic to a point, he didn't exactly care to take over rigmarole of working himself half to death just to line someone else's pockets somewhere higher up the food chain.

For all they didn't get though, the Archer's certainly did get something a little more than fitness aptitude, brains or a silver-tongued personality. From an early age, it was apparent that there was a bit too much energy in a skinny frame that only grew taller and lankier as the years went on, Jacob's attention span short when it shouldn't have been, focus waning whenever it shouldn't have steered to something else, all of which shined through poor grades and delinquency that proved to be quite troublesome for not only his parents, but the teachers that had to put up with his smart-mouth or persistent tapping on everything and anything he could put his hands on. To Jacob, there were better things to do than mull over mathematical problems he wasn't sure he would ever use beyond counting and basic levels or study sciences that he didn't see any future application for in his lifetime. He, however, didn't exactly know what those things were until his grandfather introduced him to a set of drums.

Thought it came much to his parents' dismay thanks to the racket they would have to endure as he learned, they were quick to figure out the reasonable application of it: He had something to do, he had some way to burn up energy that, as he ventured in other forms of music from the rather lackluster drum beats of a beginner, was something he found himself focusing on in greater measure than he did anything else. No, maybe it didn't improve the grades entirely and it didn't stop him from tapping on things, but one learned focus found its way into another, and it became less of a worry that he wasn't going to apply himself enough to ever graduate high school. Jacob graduated from George Washington High School in 2005 with no college aspirations to speak of, but, in his opinion, one hell of a drum set and band that may have very well carried him to greater heights than a college degree.

Of course, as things were aught to do, it wasn't long before such a great thing had managed to fall apart. With Jacob's best friend and guitarist moving out of state for college, packing up his bags and booking it for California in an effort to not only further his studies, but escape the life that hadn't been too great for him in Philadelphia, and another finding himself sent overseas for military duty, the chances were slim that there would ever be a reunion as life went on. Though there were a few outfits to come, line ups that were decent, but seemed to be lacking in a collaborative sort of way when one person always wanted to take control or dictate playing style, Jacob only seemed to be growing more and more irritated by playing than enlightened by it.

On top of that, being a twenty year old and jobless wasn't exactly gaining him any favors, Jacob moving out to New York with his grandparents when his parents had enough of what seemed the work of both poor interview skills and simple unwillingness to find stable work. It seemed to work out for everyone. In their age, it was becoming much more difficult for Hyeong-ju and her husband, Seong, to take care of even routine errands and activities, making Jacob a more trusted caretaker than they could hire. His parents, while prone to check in to make sure everyone, not just Jacob, was in good health, were finally able to enjoy some peace and quiet without their son pounding away at his drums all day. And Jacob had finally managed to find fair work in bussing at a local restaurant. No, it wasn't the greatest job nor was it one he wanted to keep if he didn't have to, but he did have to hand it to the customers and their dirty dishes: They opened up more avenues for him that he could have ever realized.

It had been one such customer that slipped him a card in what he would resell easily enough as his story of being "discovered" by an industry thriving off the super skinny and tattooed youth, throwing him into the fashion industry without much argument when one considered not only the boost in paycheck, but the potential perks to come along with it. Perhaps it was an overly glamorized view perceived through the pages of any magazine with an advertisement or trying to sell a person something, especially in his first few years when he was more prone to worry about what some old codger had to say about his weight or how he looked before denying him a job completely, but it wasn't like Jacob to simply roll over and die. All it would take was the right client, the right talk between agents and agencies, the right set of Polaroids, and Jacob was well on his way to not only a few more jobs, but the more social perks of the package.

It wasn't hard for him to fall into the scene, young and dumb and more than willing to see a few parties through to their wit's end even if it meant shambling into his grandparents' house at odd hours. Whenever he did, whenever he was actually caught, it was easy to play off as a late night at the restaurant or a gig gone long with Jacob staying until the end of the headlining act, but for as many times as he had stayed out, there came a day where he wished he hadn't. It had been nothing to happen to him, no drunken trouble or overdose on substances his parents would be disappointed to know he had partaken in once let alone the amount he had, Jacob coming home to phone calls from weeping relatives, a heartbroken grandmother and a dying grandfather, Seong suffering a heart attack late that night. Though he was taken by ambulance to the hospital and had administered what emergency treatment they could, that would be the last day Jacob would see him. In the aftermath, not only would there be a funeral to attend, but his grandmother was moved into his parents' home in Philadelphia and Jacob was, more or less, forced to find a place in New York, a hefty amount dropped into his account providing just the down payment needed for an apartment in Greenwich Village.

Despite being a small space, the apartment saw a fair amount of roommates over the course of the years, ranging from girlfriends who were likely to become exes, new band mates that needed a couch to crash on when kicked out of their own pads for one reason or another, and fellow models that needed a place to crash while in the city, but it wasn't until 2013 that he found a more permanent resident who had no problem paying rent let alone share the space that, given his propensity to be out and about in the city as much as possible and pass out on the couches of friends when the late hours became too late, Jacob rarely graced for any significant period of time unless, of course, to actually sleep in his own bed.

Over the last year, quite a few changes hit his life: His grandmother passed in fall, leaving quite a bit hole considering she was the last solid tie, outside of his own mother, that he had to his grandfather; his parents are currently working out their divorce following what was ultimately the last straw in Joseph, essentially, raking him over hot coals for coming out; his mother is expecting her second child amiss it all and, perhaps the brightest spot of it all, his engagement and marriage as of July 24th of 2015 to Jesse De Palma. Things seemed to have turned themselves upside down, including a move to a house in Brooklyn from apartment life in Manhattan, but Jake easily sees it for the better, looking forward to bigger and brighter things in their future together.

With that sense of settling came a sense of calm that seemed to settle into all facets of his life, including professional, and with the shrinking number of fans that had been into The Sleepers’ fast and heavy sound, the once-five piece outfit found themselves changing direction into something more mirroring of life and pleasing to the ears of a new audience. It was all fine and well for Jake who saw it as an opportunity to grow no matter how displeased many fans were with the switch, but such a move would only bring longevity.
⤑ name jacob seong archer ⤑ nicknames jake, jakey ⤑ date of birth + age 2 october 1988 + 29 ⤑ birthplace philadelphia, pennsylvania ⤑ current residence brooklyn, new york
⤑ occupation drummer
owner (thrones clothing co)
⤑ relationship status married ⤑ preference kinsey 4 ⤑ pets sully (pug)
mike wazowski (min-pin)
buddy (corgi)
ISFP: ISFP personality types are true artists, but not necessarily in the typical sense where they're out painting happy little trees. Often enough though, they are perfectly capable of this. Rather, it's that they use aesthetics, design and even their choices and actions to push the limits of social convention. ISFPs enjoy upsetting traditional expectations with experiments in beauty and behavior – chances are, they've expressed more than once the phrase "Don't box me in!"

STRENGTHS: Charming, Sensitive to Others, Imaginative, Passionate, Curious, Artistic

WEAKNESSES: Fiercely Independent, Unpredictable, Easily Stressed, Overly Competitive, Fluctuating Self-Esteem

Though prone to bouts of hyperactivity on any given day of the week at any given hour, always tapping on things which has proven to be annoying when he's in the zone and far more concerned with the beats he is playing than whatever else is going on, age and maturity has certainly caught up with him. He's fun-loving, easy-going, happy to be the life of the part if he sees room for it and hasn't already cozied himself up with friends in a quiet corner, both situations where he can find enjoyment. In former years, acting out and behaving badly had taken center stage, Jake not taking a whole lot seriously when he probably should have; work and friends that he actually cares to keep around, however, have turned these attention outcries to an often observant and conflict-averse demeanor, prefering to work out problems as they come his way - be they his own or everyone else's, despite taking quite a toll on his stress levels. Even though he's made a few enemies in his lifetime thanks to too much energy and too large of a mouth to know what to do with sometimes, there's always a chance to become friends first and foremost, and Jake is pretty capable of getting along well with others provided they don't give him a damn good reason not to.

• He has been playing drums for 14 years and has had a number of bands because of it with the most prominent being The Sleepers which hit the Vans Warped Tour in 2016. Currently, there is a new band in the works after evolution of The Sleepers' sound to something more low key and mellow than the hardcore/screamo background they came up with.

• While he does come from primarily a punk rock background as far as music he has learned how to play on his own, he has more classical jazz and rock training from his grandfather. He can play guitar as well, but he is far more limited in what he can play.

• He interned for a well-known New York-based fashion stylist during the summer of 2015 before starting up Thrones Clothing Company with long-time friend and fellow model, Emberly Castles. While he handles administration and menswear design, she is in charge of womenswear and accessories. Their first showing was for A/W 2017 and it is slowly hitting an international market.

• He attends regular therapy sessions twice a week to combat depression instilled by the abuses of his father. For quite some time, he avoided it until recent occurences forced him to face them and, alongside medication, he is on the path to knowing his triggers, moods and how to combat them.

• He is third generation Korean-American and does not know much of anything about his Korean roots. While he did live with his grandparents for some time, he was not only widely on his own as far as his comings and goings, but they were far more acclimated to the American way of life than generations prior. Within his parents' household, it was dominantly American due to his father's influence over the household as a whole.

• He has a number of tattoos done by Jesse Archer including a kitsune and a dreamcatcher on his back as well as an infinity anchor on his hips with their marriage date in one of the loops, as well as pieces from Evie Strummer.
grandfather: seong kyun
Grandfather, deceased, Musician. His maternal grandfather and the closest to a father figure Jake ever had, taking him in when Jake was 20 to remove him from a troubling family situation. Raised in Houston, Texas, but moved to New York City to pursue a music career before meeting and settling down with his wife, Hyeon-Ju. Passed away from a sudden heart attack in 2008.
grandmother: hyeon-ju kyun
Grandmother, deceased, Actress. His maternal grandmother and formerly last remaining connection to his grandfather until her passing in 2014 from complications of Alzheimer's. A former small-time actress born and raised in New York City before settling with her husband, Seong and giving birth to three girls -- Shirlene, Annabelle and Isabelle.
father: joseph archer
Father, 55, Construction. Notorious drunk. Born and raised in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Currently serving a 10 year sentence at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for an assault committed in March of 2015 on Jake and Jesse Archer. Since, Jake and Joseph have not had any contact.
mother: shirlene kyun (formerly archer)
Mother, 49, Hair Stylist/Salonist. Nee Archer. Though they have always had a strained relationsip given the influence of Joseph Archer, Jake is much closer to his mother, especially now.
sister: hannah kyun
Sister, 2, Baby, so she doesn't do anything. The youngest and surely last child of Joseph Archer and Shirlene Kyun. Jake is extremely protective of her and adores her with every fiber of his being.
projects THRONES CLOTHING CO. • A clothing company that strives to create unique, high quality men's and women's fashions and accesories through it's collections and collaborations, drawing inspiration from internet and popular culture, ever-evolving tastes in music, art, lifestyle, and ever-changing fashion trends. Boutique located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, New York.

THE SLEEPERS • A five-piece hardcore/screamo outfit formed in 2012. They reached a moderate fan base before hitting it big with the Vans Warped Tour in 2016 and over that year, found the need to change sound given changes in line up and fan base. Though currently inactive, another outfit is in the works between remaining members Jake Archer, Jesse Archer, and Lee Sullivan.